Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Philippines: A History of Migration

Philippines: A History of Migration

Filipino guest workers are mostly known in the fields of nursing, domestic work and yes, where it may have all started: in shipping. Infographic, Rappler. 2014.

Filipino guest workers are mostly known in the fields of nursing, domestic work and yes, where it may have all started: in shipping. Infographic, Rappler. 2014.

In the 1970s, men composed the majority of Overseas Contract Workers (OCW) who left the Philippines to work on oil rigs and construction sites in the Middle East. Many will still be able to recall the popularity of the phrase “Katas ng Saudi” [fruit of Saudi] to refer to material possessions or a better life as a result of working in Saudi Arabia.

In the 80s and 90s, the service sector boomed and women began leaving to fill domestic and caregiving vacancies in the developed countries and around Asia.

Today, the Philippines is a major source of labor migrants for many countries across the globe. The sectors of seafaring, domestic work and nursing are largely dominated by Filipinos and temporary labor migration has become a way of life for many Filipino families.

The various government administrations have taken different positions on migration as a development strategy, but have not been able to deny the economy's reliance on the consistency of OFW remittances.

Rappler traces the history of labor migration in the Philippines, starting from the Galleon Trade where Filipino seafarers emerge as our pioneer migrants.

For Mama: A Documentary of a Typical OFW Family in the Philippines

For Mama: A Documentary of a Typical OFW Family in the Philippines

Philippines: When Sisters Become Mothers

Philippines: When Sisters Become Mothers